Clovelly Public School's Community Organic Vege Box group
Members signup form
Please fill out the form at the bottom of the screen.

Please fill out the form below this info to become a member, you will receive an emailed password so you can start making orders through the website (check your spam or promotions folder for an email from admin@myorganicschool, double click and move it to your primary folder).

We'd love you to join Clovelly Public School's organic vege box cooperative. It would be great if you can help us divvy up the produce at 3.05pm Thursdays so we can all get fresh organic produce at up to 45% off the retail price. If you can't make it due to work commitments don't worry you can still become a member.
  • We meet every Thursday at 3.05pm in the middle stair well of the Northern building to divvy up the fresh, organic fruit & vege into family boxes. 
  • Boxes have to be picked up before 6pm Thursdays from the above location.
  • We would love your help if you are free any Thursday at 3pm. 
    (just come along, many hands make light work)
  • We roster members who are available onto the divvy roster at the beginning of each term (you will be sent a link by SMS and email to signup).
  • We expect members to help out every 2nd or 3rd week.
  • The divvy only takes 30 minutes
  • If you can't make one of your rostered times it is your responsibility to contact another member directly to fill your spot (member's list is on the Clovelly school page of the website
  • Don't worry if you are NOT available to help, you can pick up your box from the school hall up to 6pm.
  • We need volunteers to become the SCHOOL FACILITATOR they get a half priced box. They organise the divvy and make sure it goes smoothly. Don't worry this is a super easy job. Once the cooperative has been running for a few months every one knows what to to do anyway. If you are interested in becoming your school's facilitator please email
  • Please pay the $25 yearly membership fee when you become a member. This covers administration costs, divvy equipment etc.

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